The size and scale is unprecedented – doubling the size of Marden village. View the proposals on Google Maps here.
Why this development is completely inappropriate for the area and must be opposed.
Marden is a small, historic rural community in the Kentish Low Weald, with a long and interesting history. Find out more about our village and how to protect it.
This development, if it goes ahead, WILL place massive pressure on infrastructure, create congestion, result in even more air pollution and impact railway services, sewerage & other utilities. Our roads are already clogged: 8-10,000 more car journeys a day would have a significant negative impact on the health and well-being of residents as well as other villages & towns nearby.
The village accepts that a certain amount of development must happen, evidenced by the construction of over 500 new houses since 2015. However, a plan on this massive scale is inappropriate for an historic village like Marden. It will become a new town, and will lose its special character forever.
– Local Borough Councillors Annabelle Blackmore, David Burton and Steve McLoughlin (details here)
– County Councillor Eric Hotson
– MP Helen Grant
– MBC’s Planning Department
– Marden Parish Council
– Display our posters wherever you can (info here)
– Buy larger banners & signs from P&P Signs in Maidstone Rd
– Sign the petition in local shops and (soon) here
– Join the Save Marden Facebook group
– Follow us on Twitter and Instagram
– Plus many more…
Together we can save Marden and the Low Weald National Character Area – but we need your help.