Sign the petition

And make your voice heard.

NB: If you have already signed the paper/physical petition, please do not sign this one again, as all duplicates will be removed.

The Maidstone Borough New Garden Communities Prospectus (February 2019) states that the qualities of garden communities include “strong local vision and engagement” and that “local community engagement, involvement and support is also likely to be instrumental to delivering a successful proposal.”

As ‘people who will be most closely impacted by the new garden community proposal’, we the undersigned state that we DO NOT share the vision of the landowners, DO NOT support the proposal, and WILL NOT engage or be involved in the creation of a garden community in or around Marden village.

NB: After signing, please check your spam folder for confirmation email!





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What's next?

It doesn’t stop there! You may also wish to display one of our free posters on your property or car – download and print now!

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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